Class Offerings


CNK establishes separate curriculums for Nursery, Pre-Kindergarten and Mixed-Aged classes.


We are flexible and will work with you to provide the best schedule for you and your child (*provided there is room in the classroom).


Nursery (ages 2 years 9 months – 3 years 7 months)

Tuesday & Thursday

8:45am to 12:15pm $251 per month


Mixed-Age (ages 3 years 8 months – 4 years)

Tuesday & Thursday

8:45am to 12:15pm $251 per month


Half Day Pre-Kindergarten (ages 4 years and up)

Monday, Wednesday & Friday 

8:45am to 12:15pm $355 per month


Full Day Pre-Kindergarten (Pilot Program)

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

9am to 2pm $500 per month



Lunch Bunch is available Monday through Friday from 12:15pm to 3:15pm and offered to all children enrolled at CNK. Cost is $8 per hour. Sign up for at least one day per week for the year and receive 10% off.  This is a perfect way to extend your child’s day.


Lunch Bunch is permitted even on days your child doesn’t attend classes.


The lunch bunch program gives parents the opportunity to extend your child’s day by one, two, or three hours. The cost is per hour and is billed separately at the end of each month. You can even sign your child up for lunch bunch on a day that they DO NOT attend school! You can sign-up in advance or if space allows the day you wish. Children who are in class and attending lunch bunch, will be escorted to the lunch bunch room where they will wash up and enjoy lunch with peers and teachers. Students will then be offered arts and crafts, group games, and/or free play and outside play.


Our school accepts all children regardless of race gender, religion, cultural heritage, disability, national origin and/or the political beliefs, marital status or sexual orientation of parents.


All classes have a maximum of 20 children with a teacher-student ratio of 1-7.