Jean Holland, Director

Jean began her teaching career at CNK over 25 years ago while her children were in elementary school. Immediately realizing how wonderful it was to work at CNK, she earned her certification and became a Lead Teacher. In 2008, Jean had the opportunity to take on the role of Assistant Director in addition to her teaching duties. She earned her BA in Education in 2014 and became our full-time Director that same year. A resident of Pembroke, Jean’s three grown children attended CNK as do her grandchildren. In addition to spending time with her family, Jean enjoys reading and gardening.

Susan Morrision, Lead Teacher

A graduate of Stonehill College, Susan is certified to teach Early Childhood through eighth grade. She began her career teaching kindergarten and working in a Special Needs classroom. Before joining the staff of CNK, Susan co-owned and co-directed Playworks, Inc., a preschool “mom and me” program in Hanover, where she currently resides with her husband. After 24 years as a Lead Teacher at CNK, Susan finds each new class to be exciting and rewarding. Susan has two children and two grandchildren and enjoys outdoor activities, reading, gardening and travel.

Jennifer Driscoll, Assistant Teacher

Jennifer joined the staff of CNK in 2014 after having both her children attend CNK. Jennifer was delighted to be part of the Pembroke institution that had played such an integral role in the growth and development of her own children. Jennifer enjoys spending time with her family.

Lisa Ricketts, Teacher

Upon earning her Master’s of Education degree in Special Education, Lisa taught in various public and private classrooms at the preschool and elementary school level. After taking time to raise her twin daughters, Lisa joined the staff of CNK in 2012. She enjoys teaching and playing with the children and looks forward to the fun and creativity of CNK. In addition to spending time with her husband and girls, Lisa enjoys cooking.

Teachers of:

  • M-W-F Mixed Age Group
  • T-Th Nursery
  • Pre-K Afternoon Class (Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Driscoll only)

Susan Tyler, Lead Teacher

After graduating from Boston College, Susan was certified to teach kindergarten through eighth grade as well as children with special needs. She began her teaching career working in Resource Rooms and coordinating programs for children with multiple handicaps. After rasing three children of her own, Susan joined the Board of Directors of CNK. After serving the Board for two years, Susan became a Lead Teacher in 1992. She still looks forward to coming to school each day to work with the wonderful children of CNK. In her free time, Susan enjoys gardening and reading.

Debra Roy, Teacher

While raising three daughters, Debra joined the staff of CNK in 2005, working in the Nursery, Mixed-Age and Pre-K classrooms. Now that her youngest is off to college, Debra also coordinates our Lunch Bunch program. Debra enjoys hiking, reading and spending time with her husband.

Ann Nathan, Teacher

After graduating from Lesley University with her Master’s degree in Education, Ann spent eleven years teaching third grade in Boston. Upon moving to Pembroke to start her family, Ann joined the staff of CNK in 1998. Her three children, now grown, attended CNK and she can’t imagine a better place to work. She enjoys reading and outdoor activities.

Teachers of:

  • M-W-F Pre-K Morning
  • T-Th Pre-K Morning

Barbara Anastasia, School/Kitchen Assistant

Barbara joined the staff of CNK over 35 years ago and is a familiar, friendly face to much of the community. Having raised two children of her own, Barbara works as an assistant to the Director and provides support to the teachers. A resident of Pembroke, Barbara enjoys spending time with her grandson