Introducing Community Nursery Kindergarten (CNK!)

CNK is a  NAEYC-Accredited non-profit Pre-school located in the center of town inside First Church, (Pembroke Ma). The Department of Early Education and Care is our state licensing authority.

Our school’s mission statement:

  • We offer each child the opportunity to explore and discover the world through challenging, developmentally appropriate learning activities and well-planned play opportunities. We strive to create a warm nurturing atmosphere which fosters each child’s growing self-esteem through praise, encouragement, a sense of security and loving acceptance.
  • Research shows that academic achievement in later years comes most easily to children who have a firm grounding in concrete play activities. It is our desire to provide a setting for these activities where the interactions between the children and staff are characterized by warmth, personal respect, individuality and responsiveness.

Our Philosophy:

CNK’s goal is to provide a safe, positive, enriching preschool environment for all children who come to play and learn with us, regardless of their race, gender, religion, cultural heritage, political beliefs, marital status or sexual orientation of parents, disability or national origin.

 We offer each child the opportunity to explore and discover the world through challenging developmental learning activities as well as well-planned play opportunities.  We strive to create a warm, nurturing atmosphere, which fosters each child’s growing self-esteem through praise, encouragement, a sense of security and loving acceptance.

 The learning environment is organized by teachers to provide a well-balanced program designed to appeal to the interests and abilities of each child at his or her own individual stage of development.

 We do this by providing:

  • multi-sensory hands-on experiences
  • free play activities
  • painting
  • drawing
  • creating with Play-Doh
  • building with blocks and manipulatives
  • exploring the properties of sand and water
  • puzzles and games
  • cooking
  • dramatic play
  • circle time
  • songs, music and movement
  • books and stories reading
  • curriculum and themed topics
  • large motor play on playground or in our upstairs room